The Dreaming Goddess (also known as the Dreaming Priestess and the sleeping lady) is a Maltese sculpture that was found in a temple in Malta dating 3200-2500 B.C (Neolithic). She represents a trance channeling goddess, who is in deep dream incubation. A shaman venturing into the deep darkness for divine inspiration and healing. She is a mother goddess of dreams, healing, the oracle and of visions.
The temple of Hal Saflieni Hypogeum was a huge underground labyrinth with different chambers, one of which was ‘The Oracle Room’. This is where the Dreaming Goddess was found. It was for people to come and receive healing through dreams. They would stay over night and sleep in the womb of the Mother (Goddess), receiving healing from the divine, hoping to be given a prophetic dream to guide them or given a prescription to help their ailment.
The dreaming priestesses who were in the temple, would help by giving advice, council and to integrate any healing that was received. They would also be oracles and healers, connecting to the divine for guidance and healing for their community and would honor and help the Earth, their Mother.
The Dreaming Goddess is there to guide you in your dreams. Giving you visions, healing and guidance to help you on your path.
The Dreaming Goddess Correspondences
Blue, Red, Yellow, Brown, Black
Spirals, Circles, Ovals, Curved lines, Stars, Drums, Rattles, Bones, Snakes, Birds, Owls
Jadeite, Amethyst, Ammonite, Covellite, Picture Jasper, Ulexite
Mugwort, Lavender, Calendula. Chamomile, Valerian, Yarrow, Lemon Balm
Meditation to connect with the Dreaming Goddess
Close your eyes and take three deep breaths.
Imagine roots growing from your feet deep into the earth, grounding you.
Feel yourself rooted to the ground and connected.
Draw up the energy from the Earth through your roots and into your feet, up your legs and into the base of your spine.
Feel it swirling around there, then draw it up through your body and out of the top of your head. Trickling all around you, protecting you.
Take in a deep breath and breathe out slowly.
Now imagine you are standing outside a cave. Look at the cave, its surroundings and take a mental note of what you see.
When you are ready, you enter the cave. This is the cave of dreams. It is dark and cool inside, but you notice there is a passage going towards the back.
Make your way through this passage. It goes slightly down, drawing you into the earth.
After a little while, you come to a chamber. It has got darker and you hear dripping water.
How does it feel?
Although it is dark here, you can just about see and you notice there is a bed in the center of this chamber.
Go towards the bed and then lay down.
You then ask out loud, ‘Dreaming Goddess, please be here.’ and close your eyes to sleep.
You wait and then you hear her say ‘I am here. I am always here.’
Ask her any questions you like.
When you have finished your conversation, thank her and say goodbye.
You suddenly wake from your sleep and are laying again on the bed in the middle of the chamber. Dark and quiet apart from the dripping water you hear earlier.
Explore the cave or make your way back out through the passage you came and back out of the cave.
When you are ready, take three deep breaths and come back to the room.
Write down your experience.
How to connect with the Dreaming Goddess
Here are a few ways you can connect with the Dreaming Goddess.
For this you will need to dedicate a journal to write down your dreams. You also may want to use some crystals or herbs to help you connect through your dreams and enhance them. Place them by your bedside or under your pillow. Choose a night to dedicate to your dream work and before you go to sleep, cleanse your energy either by burning some sage or other incense or you could even take a purifying bath. After you have done this, ground and protect yourself and ask the Dreaming Goddess to come to you this night. To speak to you in your dreams and give you guidance. Go to sleep and dream. When you wake, write everything down you remember, even if it doesn’t make sense. Then read through it and work out what messages there are for you. This may take a bit of practice, but with time you will become more adept at interpreting your dreams.
In connecting with the Dreaming Goddess, you can ask her questions or for guidance and pay attention to the dreams you have.
Use the meditation above to connect with the Dreaming Goddess and see what happens. You can also connect just by closing your eyes, relaxing and asking her to be with you.
Drum Journey
Use a drum to help you go into a meditative/trance state and connect with her through the beat. Just drum however you wish, do not think about it, just go with the flow. Before you start, prepare your space and ground and protect yourself. Ask the Dreaming Goddess to be with you and connect.
Vision Quest
A vision quest is where you would go out in nature somewhere and spend the night or some days in solitude. Usually fasting and asking for guidance from the Spirit world. If you decide this is something you would be interested in, choose somewhere you know, take someone with you who can keep watch, but can leave you alone as well and prepare yourself. Pick the spot and stay there for the night and ask for guidance from the Dreaming Goddess or the Spirit world. Look for signs and messages as these may come as animals or from nature as well as dreams and visions.
How the Dreaming Goddess will help you
The Dreaming Goddess is there to guide you in your dreams. Giving you visions, healing and guidance to help you on your path. She will help you dream your wishes to life, helping you manifest the life you want and deserve. She is in the darkness waiting for you to ask for help. To help you weave the magic in your life through the visions in your dreams and in the world of in-between.
Click here to read The Dreaming Goddess’ message
Continued Reading and Resources
Goddesses for Every Season by Nancy Blair
Curative Dreams – Awaken the Sacred Dream
Wikipedia.org – Saflieni_Hypogeum
The Wild Hunt – Malta’s Mysterious Prehistoric Goddess Worship