The Great Goddess & Her Many Faces

The Great Goddess is the Divine Feminine. She is the Great Mother of all, who gave birth to all of life. She has many faces and all Goddesses come from or are the Goddess herself. There are many Goddesses around the world and some even have similar attributes and so are connected to being the same Goddess. But all of these Goddesses are the Great Mother, the Divine Feminine. Making up her attributes and her qualities. Her different sides.

The Goddess has been here from the beginning of time, she is the Ancient Mother. You will find her throughout history, sometimes hidden, sometimes in plain sight.

There are many Goddesses around the world, from Greek and Egyptian mythology to the Kabbalah, just to name a few. Some have been forgotten and some have started to re-emerge.

The Great Goddess

Nature, Gaia herself is the cycle of life and rebirth. The wheel of the year constantly turning and going with the ebb and flow of life. There are Goddesses for every season, every aspect of the Great Goddess herself, light and dark.

Connect with Nature and you will connect with the Great Goddess and her many faces. Connecting and getting to know each season, connecting to the land, will help you in many ways.

So do you want to connect to the Great Goddess? To find out more about different Goddesses, how they can help you and how to honor them and connect with the Divine Feminine?

If the answer is yes, I invite you to take a journey and discover the Goddess throughout the Seasons.

Here you will find information on some of the Goddesses I have personally connected with, ways in which to connect with them, a meditation for each and how they can help you. I have also included a message from each of the Goddesses. These messages were channeled by me through my connections with them all.

The Goddesses I have picked are mostly based on the book Goddesses for Every Season by Nancy Blair and the Seasons that have been chosen for each Goddess also come from this book. It has 52 Goddesses in it, one for each week of the year and one page for each, giving a little bit of information on them and an affirmation. I found this book to be inspiring and a guide to start to know the Goddess/Goddesses. It helped me focus on one at a time and then I could delve in more on my own to each of them, finding out about her different aspects, energies and more.

This journey has given me focus not only on a project, but also in my connection to the Divine. It has been a commitment not only to myself, but to the Goddess herself and was an experience of connection of her many faces, her energies and for going within.

How to use the information here

There are 28 Goddesses so far I have written about. You can connect to a Goddess each week or month, starting with the season you are in or you can take your time, pick Goddesses you feel drawn to first, take a couple of weeks or even a month with each Goddess. You can also connect to any Goddess any time and do not have to go by the season the Goddess is under. You may not feel that this Goddess is right for that season and that is completely ok. This is just something I have added from the book and thought it may be helpful to have a focus and starting point. This is your journey, so go with what feels right to you.

Of course, connecting to a Goddess each week and in a short time may not get you a very deep connection or relationship with them. However you can experience a good connection if you are dedicated and this will also help with finding a Goddess you feel you do connect to well and want to get to know more. Some Goddesses will be easy to connect with, some will not and may need you to commit yourself more to them. But I do know that getting to know about the different Goddesses and having some connection to the Divine will help you in some way and I hope you take the time to connect with them.

You can sign up and download a free Goddess worksheet to help you on your journey to connect to each Goddess. It will guide you on ways to connect and have space for you to write your own journey. To receive your copy CLICK HERE!

If you wish to ask me any questions, please do contact me. You can do this either by the contact page on this website, through FacebookInstagram or email at [email protected]

Love & Light

Charleen xx

Goddesses so far…




Butterfly Maiden




Triple Goddess












Primal Mother & Child

Amaterasu Omikami

Bee Goddess

Cosmic Flow-er





Venus of Willendorf

Kuan Yin

Snake Priestess



Medicine Woman





The Dreaming Goddess


FREE Goddess Worksheet

This Goddess worksheet will help you on your journey to connect to each Goddess. It will guide you on ways to connect and have space for you to write your own journey.

Click Here


6 thoughts on “The Great Goddess & Her Many Faces”

  1. I really need to connect with the Goddess don’t know what wrong with me since my mother gave birth to me have never been happy like am in a dark hole please help me contact with her

    • Hi,

      I am sorry it has taken me a while to reply, I have been busy with other projects.

      I am sorry you feel like this. The Goddess is within us all. To contact her I suggest to take some time to meditate and go within. Put some relaxing music on, lay or sit and close your eyes. Relax. Then set your intention to contact her. Ask her to come to you and see if you get a message in some way. This will take practice. You could try one of the guided meditations to the Goddesses on this website such as Kuan Yin or Yemeya.

      You can also sit in Nature or go for a walk and feel her energy and talk to her.

      If you are feeling that you are really stuck and are depressed, please do seek professional help such a Psychologist or your medical care giver.

      If you have anymore questions, please do contact me.

      Wishing you love and light
      Charleen x

  2. Hi im looking for some tips i think its my spirotual calling to be mad3 come to this page and be intouch w someone that can give me an introduction on this goddess energy and healing as im having a very hard time and am at ascentioning period but also am unaware of the topic and context but its like i found a lost part of me today inside this page. If anything i can be made awarness of please give me pointers thanks.

    • Hi,

      So glad you found The Bridging Tree!

      If you haven’t already check out some of the Goddess pages on this site, which will give you some more information on some of the individual Goddesses. I also have a YouTube channel with a couple of guided Goddess meditations you could try as well.

      To help you connect to the Goddesses, sign up for a free Goddess worksheet which will guide you through some pointers and where you can record your journey. You can sign up HERE!

      I have just been finishing an ebook on connecting to the Goddess through the seasons and I am hoping will be soon available! So by signing up to updates, you will know when it’s due out.

      The tips that I would give would be, practice, practice, practice connecting to Nature and to the Goddess through meditation and sacred space. The more you connect the more you will become attuned and more aware. Get outside in Nature, whether its walking in the forest or just sitting in your garden. Close your eyes and feel/sense the energy. This again will take practice.

      I hope this has helped you in some way, but please do contact me if you have any other questions.

      Brightest Blessings
      Charleen x


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