Letting go with the help of the Goddess

The Goddess is who I always turn to time and time again and the following is an example of one of these times. How do we keep our peace when we are surrounded with people that are negative and give off energy that doesn’t sit well with us? Its hard, I’m not going to lie. … Read more

New eBook ~ Connecting to the Goddess through the Seasons

I am really excited to say that finally my new eBook ‘Connecting to the Goddess through the Seasons’ is finally here! It has taken me hard work and a lot of time to create and set it all up, but its finally done! The reason I created this eBook is because I know it can … Read more

The Calling

  Wow! I have just been on a wonderful healing weekend. Special teachers Ed McGaa Eagle Man, Barbara Meiklejohn-Free, Flavia Kate Peters and Olaf Nixon. Learning the wisdom and knowledge from a native american and highland seer was wonderful. Throughout the weekend we were in ceremony, opening the ceremony with drumming and singing. Then meditation … Read more


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