I have just had the most amazing meditation! Why was it amazing? Because I have just met a spirit guide!!
Spirit guides are here to help us on our paths, to help us through good and bad times and to help us with specific areas in our lives. We all have a spirit guide and probably more than one. They will show up when you least expect it, just like this one I have just had!

I decided to do a meditation and thought I’d just listen to some drumming music. I first cleansed myself with some sage and sat down and started listening to the drumming. I was at a clearing in a forest with a great big Oak Tree. I went through a hole in the Oak Tree and traveled deep down into the ground. I came to a doorway which I went through and I found myself in a beautiful crystal cave. In the centre of the cave was a kind of bird bath with water in it. I approached it and heard someone say look into it. I turned around and saw a old Native American Indian. I asked who he was and he said take a look in the pool first. So I took a look and I saw myself as a Native American. He said that is you, you in a past life, your name Song Bird Hawk Woman. He then told me his name was White Cloud and he was here to guide me on my Shamanic path. He said I have done some healing this year and I am on the right path. He is here to help me on this path and I should call on him when ever I need him.
There was a bit more to the meditation but you get the gist! I was not expecting to meet any guides when doing my meditation and maybe that is why one appeared, I do not know. Would you like to meet a Spirit Guide? Try following the meditation below.
Meditation to meet your Spirit Guide
Cleanse yourself with some sage if you can, sit down or lie down and relax, put on some calming music. Set your intention to meet a Spirit Guide.
Imagine roots growing from the soles of your feet, growing deep into the ground and finding a big rock to wrap themselves around. Breathe in the golden light of the core of the earth, up into your roots, up in to your feet, up through your entire body and exploding out the top of your head tumbling down you. Then imagine a white light from above you coming down into your head, right though your body, out of the soles of your feet, into the roots, into the ground.

Take a few deep breaths and imagine you are in a forest clearing. Look around you what do you see? There is a big Oak Tree in the distance, you decide to walk towards it. When you get nearer you see a big hole in the trunk, like a doorway. You enter it and travel deep down into the ground. Going deeper and deeper until you see a light. You go towards the light and enter it. Once you have gone through the light you find your self in a beautiful crystal cave. Look around what do you see? Have a good look around. Once you have had a look round you sense someone is there. You turn round and there is someone standing there. It is a Spirit Guide. You ask them who they are and have a long conversation with them. Ask them their name, what are they there to help you with, do they have any messages for you? Once you have finished talking to them, they give you a gift. You say thank you and good bye and make your way back through the doorway you entered, up the path to take you back to the forest clearing. Up and up you go and come back through the Oak Tree in to the clearing. Take a few deep breaths and come back to the room.
Write down your experiences. What gift did you get? What does it mean to you?
Remember you can always do this meditation again and always talk to your Spirit Guides.
I hope you enjoyed this meditation and please feel free to comment below! If you have any questions you can contact me either by the contact page on this website, through Facebook, Instagram or email at info@thebridgingtree.com
Brightest Blessings
Charleen xx