From time to time we all need to cleanse ourselves of negativity. Now many people probably don’t do this, but I try to do it regularly. Just like we all clean ourselves with a shower or bath, we should really try to cleanse negativity away too. We pick this up from the environment, people we have been around or TV and we probably don’t even know it. We feel sluggish, negative, down, in a bad mood and this all can come from these things. People can drain you, if they are constantly moaning or negative towards you, you may feel you start to feel all these things and it can get you down. So we need to really try and cleanse our minds, bodies, spirits and auras regularly, to help keep positive. There are various ways of doing this such as visualizations when showering or bathing, meditation, but the way I do this and the way I really like is using sage.
The ritual burning of sage is most commonly known from Native Americans, but many other cultures use it as well. Sage is very healing and calming and makes you feel at peace. I use White Californian Sage but you can use other types. Use what you prefer or mix it up a little, whatever you choose is right for you and will do the job! Many people may do this different ways, but this is how I cleanse myself and my rooms. You can use this as a guide and then adapt how you see fit or what feels right for you. There is no ”right” way.
To start with, ground yourself. You can do this by closing your eyes and breathing in deeply and as you exhale, imagine roots growing down from your feet deep into the ground. Breath deeply and visualize this a couple of times. Breath in deeply and imagine gold light or whatever color that comes to you coming up the roots into your feet and up your entire body exploding from the top of your head and tumbling down you. Then with the next in breath imagine a white light coming down from above into your head and go through you, through your feet deep into the ground. You are now grounded.
Take your sage and light it. Blow out the flame so it is smoking (When burning the sage, make sure it is in a heat proof dish). Ask Grandfather Sage to cleanse you of all negativity, mind, body and spirit. With your hand or large feather, wave the smoke over you. Go from your feet upwards, making sure it covers you and your aura around you. Doing the best you can. Breathing in the wonderful scent as well. You should feel a deep relief and calming feeling once done. Thank Grandfather Sage.
Once you have cleansed yourself, you can cleanse your home. Ask Grandfather Sage to cleanse your home from all negativity. Then just wave the smoke around the room, up and down, getting into corners. Once you are done, thank Grandfather Sage.
As I said you do not have to do it like this, but it gives you a starting point if you haven’t done it before or just want a little guidance. I hope you find it useful and I hope you do start to enjoy the wonderful healing and cleansing power of Sage.
If you do have any questions please contact me either by the contact page on this website, through Facebook, Instagram or email at info@thebridgingtree.com
Happy Cleansing!
Charleen xx