The Goddess is who I always turn to time and time again and the following is an example of one of these times.
How do we keep our peace when we are surrounded with people that are negative and give off energy that doesn’t sit well with us?
Its hard, I’m not going to lie. I have to deal with it constantly on a day to day basis. Some days are better than others, but the bad days really suck. I get overwhelmed with spiraling thoughts and bogged down with this heavy energy. Creating feelings of anxiety, anger, sadness and a loss of power. That’s right, I too can get to the point when I feel I have no control and that I’ve given my power away. I push my feelings down and try not to let them overwhelm me so I can get on with the day, but they need to come out. Sometimes I wish I could just shout and scream at the top of my lungs, but unfortunately there is no where I can do this. So what do I do? I have to find another way.
I’m on the edge of tears, but something is stuck and it just won’t come out. How do I let go of all this stuff that’s stuck inside me brewing, but doesn’t quite boil over. Stuck lingering in my chest, making me feel all these feelings I just don’t want to feel. I try to meditate, but it’s not quite budging it. Taking deep breathes, but still not moving it. So I go out to get away from the environment that makes me feel like this and this helps a little. Helps me to breathe and feel some relief. But I know I have to go back there.
What helps me the most? Nature.
So that’s where I go. I go to the forest and find a place to sit. Nature helps me feel peaceful and gives me a sense of all is well. The quiet stillness there is, even though there are birds singing and the wind rustling the trees. This is peace, this is home, this is where I need to be and belong. Sitting in the comfort of the Goddess and the spirit of nature. Knowing she will take care of me and I will be ok. To take back my power and know who I really am, remember who I am. She helps me to release all this stuff, holding me as I cry and let go. ‘Take back your power’ she says, ‘for you are a child of the Goddess. You are strong and resilient and you can do this. I am here with you always.’
Even writing this brings me some tears and some release. The Goddess is my mother, the one I come from and will return to and will hold me in her loving embrace when life gets too much. She is the one I will go back to time and time again as I hear her call to me. A stirring of deep within, reminding me of my ancient past and who I really am.
Do you hear her call? Is there somewhere deep down in you that knows there’s something more, something ancient and wise that you can’t seem to grasp? Are you a little scared of what this call is or what it could mean for you? If the answer is yes, that’s ok. I have and still can be afraid. It’s the fear of letting go of all you know, the feelings that you don’t want to feel coming to the surface to be released and the unknown of what could happen next.
But let me tell you, when you say yes to that call, to the call of the Goddess and start to work with her and release your pain and start a journey of healing and self discovery, you will wonder why you didn’t start earlier! The release you feel once you make that decision to let go is truly wonderful and you become more at peace. Life starts to get easier as you start to navigate your feelings and release your pain, becoming happier and lighter and connected.
This is a journey. There will be the highs, but there will be the lows. Ever changing and spiraling in and out like the breath of life. We will heal and then another trauma will come along, but we will heal again. Gaining wisdom and insights to help us along our paths and then to help others also.
So what is your answer? Are you ready to say yes to that call?
How to get started on your journey of healing and connection with the Goddess
Here are a few ways you can start your journey with the Goddess.
Get out in nature
Getting out in nature will help you in your connection with the Goddess. This is where her spirit is, she is the Ancient Mother and she is and looks after all of nature. Sit with the forest or by a stream, close your eyes and ask her to be with you. Feel her there with you and ask her questions if you like.
Meditation will help you connect within and to the Goddess. If you are not sure about meditation, I would advise you to try a guided meditation to connect with her. If you prefer though you could just sit quietly, listen to some relaxing music and ask her to be with you and for a message.
Read about her
Find some books on the Goddess or a goddess of your choice. Read about her and her many faces, the traditions associated with her and what the ancients would do in their rituals and connections to her.
Attend courses or events
To help you even more on your path you could find a course to help you get started or some events where you can attend workshops and information on ways you can connect and find the right path for you. Immersing yourself with real things to do and doing them such as a teacher to guide you through a meditation or healing experience can really help your progress and connection. Connecting with people that have the same interests can also help.
I didn’t really know where I was going when I started this post. I just needed to write my feelings down and wanted to share them. All I know is the Goddess calls to me and I have answered her call and I will always do so. There is a knowing deep down inside me that just knows this is right and this is my path. Yes it can be scary sometimes, especially when I don’t want to face my fears or feel some of the feelings I really don’t want to feel, but in the end it always works out for the best and I continue to grow, to heal and the journey continues.
Thank you for listening and I hope it has helped you in some way.
I would love to hear your thoughts, so please comment below.
Love & Light
Charleen x
Are you seeking a profound connection to the divine feminine energy that flows through the seasons?
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